Assalamualaikum W.B.T
Welcome to Delta Force Security
Services & Consultancy Sdn Bhd,
a security services set up to
provide reliable and customized
solutions to our customers. The
changing dynamics of Malaysia
cultural and social landscape
require a proactive and dynamic
approach to meet customer�s
needs. We aim to meet the
existing challenges by providing
quality products and services
designed to meet the
contemporary security
requirements to our highly
valued customers.
Experience and commitment to
provide the finest security
solutions have helped create
sustainable relationships with
our customers. We have adopted
stringent hiring criteria,
emphasizing a high level of
training for the selected
guards. The guards are
categorized to meet various
demands of our customers.
I believe that the repose of our
customers will lead to the
success of Delta Force Security
Services. Delta Force is
dedicated to security excellence
and providing peace of mind and
an intrepid sense of absolute
Thank you.